Welcome to the Ressie Jeffries Elementary School library. The library has a collection of over 10,000 library books. Students come to the library once a week on a rotating schedule to listen to stories, have library skills lessons and to check out books.

The following are the policies of the library:

· Students in grades Kindergarten and first grade are allowed to check out one library book at a time.

· Students in second and third grade are allowed to check out two library books at a time.

· Students in fourth and fifth grade are allowed to check out three library books at a time.

· Every child will come to the library once a week with their class.

· If a student fails to return their book, they will not be allowed to check out a new one until they return their  overdue book.

· Students are not charged fines for overdue books.

· If a book is damaged or lost the child must pay for the book before they are allowed to check out another book.

· Overdue notices are sent home periodically to remind students what books they have checked out.

 Our Library Catalog

World Book Encyclopedia

Coming Soon Book List